Man uses thermometer inside his reproductive organ

A 30-year-old Muscovite failed to fulfill his conjugal duty one night, after he returned home after a hard day at work. The enterprising man did not want to shatter his wife's daydreams and decided to found a way out of the upsetting situation. He took a thermometer and inserted it in his ureter. The man's reproductive organ became pretty inflexible after a slightly painful operation and the husband “took his happy wife to paradise.”

When the act of love was over, the caring husband felt sudden acute pain at the bottom of his stomach. It turned out later that the pang was caused with the thermometer, which had slid inside the man's urinary bladder. The man was hospitalized to the urology department of one of Moscow hospitals.

Doctors had to perform an urgent operation on the man to remove the thermometer, MIGnews website reports.

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