Russian woman born on non-existent day
Ludmila Lengesova doesn't know what to do because her birthday comes on a non-existent day, the 31st of November. “At first the midwife made a mistake when she was writing out a birth card; then the bureaucrats didn't notice the wrong date and it was put into the birth certificate; in the end it appeared in the passport,” – complained Lyudmila. At first Lyudmila's family fooled around with this fact. They considered it very convenient. "You could celebrate the birthday for two days running, November, 30th, and December, 1st. And if you don't really want to see somebody at your birthday party, all you had to do is invite that person for November, 31st.
But the problems began to occur when the woman decided to apply for a job at a confectionary plant. The computer wouldn't accept her application form because it didn’t have the 31st of November programmed in it. It might seem just a trifle, but Lengesova didn’t get the job. The same story happened to her when she came to the bank for a credit. The bank refused to give it. Even in the time of global computerization it’s not so easy to pay your rent! “I have only two choices, either change the birth date in the passport or get one more day added to November, “- said Lyudmila. Aleksey Merdeev, a lawyer, comments: It’s the third year that Lengesova is trying to solve this problem with the authorities. But the fact is that the birth date in the passport can be changed only when it is changed in the birth certificate. The civilian registry office makes her collect piles of documents and try to send her to court.