Russian prisoner wins lottery ticket for a week of pleasure in London

Sergei, a prisoner serving his term, received a parcel with food last summer. There was also a pack of tea inside. When Sergei opened it, he found a lottery ticket inside. "I filled it and sent it out just for fun hoping to win an electric teapot or a coffee-machine, says the prisoner. — But Dame Fortune played such a joke with me that one could only imagine!," Sergei said.

Several months later the prisoner, who had already forgotten about the tea lottery, received a letter of congratulation. He won seven a seven-day journey to London with accommodation in a five-star hotel. Organizers promised to award the winner with 1,000 pounds, which he could spend at one of the largest trade centers in London.

"The most disappointing thing is that the prize is nominal which means that only the owner can use it. And it is also not allowed to choose money instead of prize. A teapot in the hand is worth two in London," complains the restless prisoner.

Prisoners are not allowed to leave the territory of prison. However in some exceptional cases the most exemplary ones have a right to spend a vacation with their relatives, but only with those who live in Russia and no longer than 10 days. Former prisoners have problems with getting foreign passports and visas for several years after their release. And as far as I know the British Embassy denies visas to former prisoners, says Sergei Manygin, a prison spokesman.

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