All nudists are perverts, gays and lesbians

I remember taking part in a tea party with nudists. They were true nudists, so they were not wearing any clothes. I was wearing my birthday suit too. We were having tea and raspberry jam.

Adam and Eve were the first nudists. Eventually, they came to realize that nakedness was a shame. But is took them a while to realize that.

One of my naked companions was awkward enough to brush against my elbow. So I spilled my tea on my… Well, I spilled my tea down there. Too bad I’m not wearing any trunks, I could have had a milder burn in that case, said I. But a nudist sitting next to me tried to look at the incident from a different angle. “On the contrary, it’s good you don’t have any clothes on. Tea will soak in the skin of your thighs, and therefore the skin will be rejuvenated.” A minute later I was in the shower, washing the tea off my thighs that did not feel rejuvenated a bit. I was thinking over the purposes and benefits of nudism. Are there any benefits at all?

Nudists are wrongly accused of committing all sorts of mortal sins. Once I was told by a serious scholar, a professor of sociology that all nudists were perverts, gays and lesbians. I must say all the above allegations are nonsense. I have never seen an act of copulation during the nudist parties. The issue of bodily contact during a gathering of like-minded persons is extremely sensitive for nudists. In short, no bodily contact is allowed, safe for a friendly tap on the shoulder.

For starters, I do not think that the philosophy of nudism is aimed at copulation. A quickie does not normally require walking in the nude and in public, does it not ?

Some people believe sexual potency of both female and male nudists (hot pics!!) becomes greatly undermined after a certain amount of time. The theory must be based on an assumption that the naked body ceases to be an object of desire if nakedness repeats on a regular basis. You will stop salivating if you look at the same piece of cake over and over again during the entire month. Perhaps a naked torso of a nudist woman does not turn on a nudist man because it seems so easy to get. On the other hand, scientific findings on the subject are not available.

There are heaps of books on the alleged benefit and harm of nudism. The advocates of nudism point out that man came naked into this world. They jokingly call Adam and Eve the world’s original nudists. Eventually, Adam and Eve came to realize that being naked was a sin. But it took them a while to do so.

Taking one look at the sculptures of the Hellenistic period would be enough for calling it the “golden time” of nudists. A ban on the pubic display of a naked body was incompatible with the worship of a physically and spiritually ideal human being. The ancient Olympic athletes competed in the nude only.

Any sign of nudity was severely condemned by the church in the Middle Ages. Nudity was believed to be the Devil’s temptation. Some sects i.e. Adamites practiced nudism for their own religious purposes. But those cases were quite rare. The revival of the naked body cult started at the turn at the 20th century after the publication of two important books in Germany. The first book is titled “The Cult of Nudity” by Henry Pudor, the other one was titled “Nudity”, penned by Henry Ingewitter. The authors were the first to draw parallels between nudity and a healthy life style.

A society of radical advocates of nudity was set up in Russia after the 1917 revolution. It was called “Down with shame!” The members of the society were reportedly seen walking in the altogether along the streets of some Russian cities. The Russian poet of the early 1900s Maximilian Voloshin, along with the U.S. dancer Isadora Duncan, the Irish dramatist and critic Bernard Shaw, and the French novelist Albert Camus were among the dignitaries who practiced nudism.

I have been a few times to Serebryany Bor, on a beach located on the bank of the Istra reservoir, the meeting point of Moscow nudists in the summer. When in Kiev, I paid a visit to the famous beach of Obolon. And I also visited a nudist beach in Odessa . A acquaintance of mine told me that Berlin had eight nudist beaches.

Three countries – Germany , Sweden , and Belgium – have the highest number of nudists. The most popular nudist beaches are located in Spain , Croatia , and Greece . There are nudist camps sponsored by the International Nudist Federation. The international nudist congresses are held every two years in various parts of the world.

Is there a need of nudism?

1. Practicing nudism means a chance to find a husband or partner.

Pros: many nudist couples form relationships by getting to know one another on a nudist beach. At times nudists even tie the knot.

Cons: a husband may hold his wife’s former nudity against her in the future. He may as well feel jealous of her fellow nudists.

2. Practicing nudism gives you a chance to strengthen your health.

Pros: Walking on the beach with no clothing on can give you good grounds for toughing up your body or for letting it “breathe” at least.

Cons: You can run the risk of catching some infection by sitting on a rock provided that you wear nothing around your butt.

3. Being an active nudist gives you a good chance to make lots of friends.

Pros: No doubt about it, you are likely to meet a lot of really interesting people among nudists.

Cons: A voyeur or a paparazzo may take a picture of you. And that picture may be posted on a nudist web site without your permission.

4. Nudism gives you an opportunity to unwind and stop feeling ashamed of your own body.

Pros: In terms of psychology, you can remove fetters from your soul by liberating your body.

Cons: On the whole, a bunch of liberated naked bodies can give a nauseating experience to a first-time nudist.

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