Masturbation is never a replacement for the real thing

All sexologists say that masturbation is a type of sex that compares well with sex with a partner. But scientists have experimentally proved that this point of view is wrong.

It is well known that after reaching orgasm, the human body starts producing a hormone called prolactin. This hormone stimulates the feeling of sexual and psychological satisfaction.

Scientists Stuart Browdy from the British Paisley University and Tilman Krueger from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology have conducted an experiment. The volunteers of both sexes first watched a porno film and than masturbated or had sex with a partner in laboratory setting.

After the volunteers had reached orgasm, the scientists measured the number of prolactin hormones in their blood. To their surprise, people who had reached orgasm with a partner had 4 times more prolactin hormones than those who had reached it through self-satisfaction.

Scientists explain it with the fact that orgasm reached through sex with a partner is much more pleasant and satisfying than masturbation.

It is also known that the increasing level of prolactin is usually connected to problems with reaching erection. That is why men need some rest after having sex.

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