Russian piglets get ready for pig Olympics

Piglets that are to represent Russia on the third pig Olympics have already started their training in a pig farm in the Moscow region. The "athletes" will exercise their skills in pig-running, pig-swimming, and pig-ball competitions on April, 15-16 within the framework of the international animal-show ZooRussia-2006.

This is what Alexei Sharshkov, the vice-president of the Federation of sports pig-breeding, said. According to him, the piglets were born just a month ago. At the time they are going through general training and only after that they will take up different sports. The piglets are being looked after by coaches and zoo psychologists.

According to the official web-site of the Federation, a new kind of sports competition called pig-swimming is to be included in the Games this year. The race will be held in a transparent swimming pool with clear water. Its tracks will be separated by glass of special structure.

In the pig-ball competition the teams consist of five piglets. Their aim is to kick the ball into the opposite goal. This competition was included in the program of the second Olympics while the first games comprised only the running race.

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