The way you sneeze defines your character

People sneeze. They sneeze every day and there is nothing we could do about it. When a person sneezes, he or she spews 100,000 bacteria through the air at better than 100 mph. The manner of sneezing may also reveal certain aspects of a person’s inner world. sneeze

So says Patti Wood, spokeswoman of Benadryl, the creator of "The Achoo IQ Quiz."
Wood, who is also a body language expert, combined a sneezing survey of 547 people with three months of "observational" analysis. Then she correlated people's sneezing styles and behaviors with a "well-researched" personality test.

The survey showed that even though nearly half of us believe their sneeze is spontaneous, most people have a specific sneezing style that closely matches their personality. Wood suggests four main types of sneezers

Big, lusty and powerful.  A charismatic leader and influencer. He usually has great 'out of the box' ideas. He is intuitive and can inspire and motivate others. This kind of sneezer values relationships and hold them dear. He welcomes new people and new opportunities and remains optimistic and spontaneous. The sneezer is articulate and enjoy a good conversation, whether it is over the phone, over dinner or out socializing.

No showy histrionics or noise levels; would rather hold it back so as not to offend.

It is usually a warm and friendly person who likes a relaxed pace. The most important thing in his life is relationship with others. He avoids conflicts and gets along. Loyal, calm and dependable. Good listener, though sometimes feels  interrupted. Helpful, supportive and nurturing.

 A proper, dignified and moderate achoo. Most likely to cover mouth with a tissue or hankie.

The be-right sneezer is careful and accurate. A deep thinker. Always considers things before speaks. He is detailed and precise and catches mistakes that others miss. Has great insights and opinions, but doesn't always get a chance to express them. He likes to read books that make think.
Bang! Quick and hard. No nonsense. He is usually fast, decisive person. He wishes others could do the same. Efficient and uncomplicated. He does not have to rely on others. He is a leader. Forceful and commanding and work to get things quickly accomplished. He does not like to be used unfairly by others.

But surely those aren't the only kinds of sneezes. Recently, after our own informal analysis, we came up with a few more. What do they say? We'll let you be the judge of that.

Incoming! Hide the women and children. Board up the windows! Get out the Lysol! Ahh Ahh

The sneeze so nice they do it twice. Or three times. Or 12. Sweet sassie malassie! You done now?

Dainty. Genteel. If polite society had an official sneeze, this would be it. A sneeze best performed after eating finger sandwiches and drinking tea with pinkie extended. Sounds like (say it gently and politely, preferably in a high voice) Ahh-tyou!

Whoa! How do you sneeze out of your throat like that?

Two ahhs followed by a muffled internal explosion sometimes accompanied by a mouse squeak. Egads! You're going to blow your eyeballs out doing that.

Ever seen a dog sneeze?

Eeuuww! Get a squeegee. Call the Centers for Disease Control. Ever heard of covering your mouth?

Two sneezes, short and quick. Not three. Not one and done. Two. Every time.

The sneezer's face and entire body freeze for several seconds as the sneeze builds internally before expression.

Five or six ahs followed by ... nothing. Well? You going to do it or aren't you?

You know what we're talking about.

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