Women become less demanding if love acts last longer

Pro-rector for science at the National Health Institute Candidate of Biological Sciences, Rinad Minvaleyev, says that according to the traditional sexology books normal coitus between a man and a woman lasts for 2-3 minutes in general. Longer coitus falls under the record category. The coitus of 2-3 minutes is an averaged result for an ordinary man who has sex once a week and thus agrees with his physiologic rhythm. Main goal of such coitus is conception or just a burst of energy.

As we know from the traditions of the East (India, China, etc.), people’s sexual life had much bigger importance than only conception. An act prolonged for an unlimited period was some sort of a spiritual life, and the Tantra methods prove this. Tantra treats prolonged sex as a method to reveal new physical and spiritual states in a man. A group of researchers who take an active interest in yoga decided to conduct an experiment to prove or disprove these statements,” the researcher says.

Several heterosexual couples volunteered to have sex with electronic tonometer sensors fastened to their hands and in presence of the researchers. The experiment revealed that the bodies of men and women react in different ways when reach an orgasm. Either heartbeat dropped to 10-12 beats a minute and consequently the blood pressure considerably increased, or the heartbeats became more rapid and the blood pressure dropped. One of the volunteers even registered no pulse within 4 minutes, and it had no effect upon his health.

There are parasympathetic and sympathetic sections of the human nervous system, Rinad Minvaleyev says. The parasympathetic section controls recovery of the organism and renewal of cells; it functions when a man is sleeping. And the sympathetic section is responsible for man’s energy, for the hormones of adrenalin and noradrenalin in blood. If the pulse drops and the blood pressure increases our organism restores under the control of the parasympathetic section of the nervous system. Otherwise, we experience collapse.

People do not feel tired if the parasympathetic reaction prevails while having sex. In other words, in this case sex actually helps people prolong their life. In case the sympathetic reaction prevails during sex, people feel prostrated after sex and absolutely inert.

The experiment revealed that partners mostly have a sympathetic reaction to an orgasm if an act lasts about 10-15 minutes. During a longer sexual act, the human organism switches over to the parasympathetic section to restore the functions. As a result, both partners feel energetic and strong after having sex; they become very intimate after such contacts.

It is known that men often have to make presents to their women in exchange for having sex, or make some other compensation. Women who ask for presents in exchange for sex have a dominating sympathetic section of the nervous system during sex; they get tired after having sex and as a result ask for compensation. However there are women with a dominating parasympathetic section. They ask for no presents, live with a man, take care of him and get much positive energy in having sex. So, a prolonged sexual contact of 30-40 minutes and longer is a source of great spiritual power.

Longer sex is actually an art for men. There are men who are rather strong in the sexual aspect by birth. Yoga may help have longer sex: it opens new spots on the body that help people control themselves. It is important to learn to inhibit the ejaculation reflexes through the cerebral cortex. It is also important to have sex with a beloved woman who may also help make sex longer. One-night stands and sex with prostitutes will not make men’s spiritual life better, they may rather result in impotence. The researchers who conducted the experiment say they have studied what we call Love. “We have derived the formula of ideal love,” they add.

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