Castrated men, transsexuals and hermaphrodites to fight tax evaders in India

Eunuchs in eastern India were drafted by authorities to sing outside the homes of tax evaders to embarrass them into paying up, a report has said.

Sari-clad eunuchs were out in force with municipal tax collectors Wednesday in Patna, capital of Bihar, India's most lawless state, the Indian Express reported.

"Pay the tax, pay the Patna Municipal Corporation tax," chorused the eunuchs on the doorstep of their first target, Ram Sagar Singh, who owed 100,000 rupees (2,240 dollars).

A mortified Singh promised to pay within a week, the report said.

The municipality netted 400,000 rupees Wednesday using the eunuchs, who got a four percent commission. It vowed to step up its drive, cheered by its success.

India has an estimated one million eunuchs. Some are castrated men, while others are transsexuals or hermaphrodites.

Ostracized by society, they have a tough time getting jobs and often get money by creating a ruckus at festivities for births and weddings - sometimes threatening to bear their bodies.

Some tax evaders expressed outrage at the city's tactics.

"You can't humiliate me in public," retired judge Sachidanand Prasad, who was visited by the eunuchs, reportedly said.

The city, which suffers widespread tax evasion, defended the move.

"Those who are protesting are enraged at getting exposed," said a city official.

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