EU to assign 10 million euros to build underground passages for toads and frogs in Ukraine
The European Union will assign ten million euros to the Lvov region of Ukraine to build special pedestrian crossings for toads and frogs. Small underground passages will be built on the international Kiev-Western Border highway, which continues one of European transport corridors.
A spokesman for the regional administration, Rostislav Novozhenets, said that a vast number of toads and frogs living on the territory of Ukraine's Lvov region, dies under car wheels as animals migrate to their spawning areas. Road builders did not consider ecological standards of the European Union during the construction of the above-mentioned highway. “Frogs will be happy and so will be people,” Rostislav Novozhenets said. Frogs will obviously be happy when they discover special underground passages underneath the surface of the highway. The majority of regional residents, however, will be shocked to know about such a considerable amount of money spent for the purpose to save the amphibians. Spending ten million euros on ecology is quite normal for European standards. On the other hand, the majority of both Ukrainian and Russian people believe that spending millions of euros on such ugly creatures as frogs and toads is insane. It goes without saying that there are a lot of other more important problems to deal with. To crown it all, the administration of the Lvov region of Ukraine is obviously not spending tens of millions of euros on orphanages, for instance.