Jewel-encrusted sex toys available at Moscow sex fair

Eros Moskva exhibition has recently taken place in Moscow. It was open for four days. Every visitor could speak to representatives of sex-industry and buy any sex toys he/she liked.

Visitors could chose from a wide variety of dildos. There were thin, thick, long, short and colored toys. They also were of different shape - some looked like parrots others like caterpillars.

“Glamorous” dildos were also represented on the exhibition. A German company was exhibiting dildos encrusted with Swarovski crystals. They cost about $250 and could vibrate with different frequency.

There were a lot of Chinese sex toy makers on the exhibition. One of them said that there were three huge plants in China dealing with the production of dildos and other sex goods. They have already launched two sex-shops in St. Petersburg and are currently looking for partners in Moscow.

Chinese producers are not afraid of competition. Their goods are approximately of the same quality as European sex toys and have a big advantage: a cheaper price, reports.

One of Chinese sex industry representatives said that in five years China would be able to please every fifth Russian woman

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