Russia’s ex-president Boris Yeltsin loses 40-million-dollar elite land

Ex-President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, lost his documents confirming his property rights for two elite plots of land in the Moscow region. The four-hectare land is evaluated at about 40 million dollars.

Most likely, the loss took place last year. However, Yeltsin noticed the absence of the documents only several days ago. Yeltsin asked his former assistant, Alexander Moskovin, to report the loss to the police. The official told the police that the documents for the property had been lost under unknown circumstances.

The disappearance of such important documents may lead to lamentable consequences for the family of Russia’s first president. If the documents have been stolen, perpetrators may successfully sell the land to someone else, the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper wrote. The problem can definitely be solved at court, but the process may take a very long period of time that will bring nothing but a nerve-racking experience to Boris Yeltsin.

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