Ukraine holds first-ever ice fishing championship among black males
The first ice-fishing championship among natives of Africa has recently taken place in the city of Donetsk, Ukraine. The competitors were offered some alcohol before the start of the contest so that the heat-loving black males wouldn’t freeze in the Ukrainian winter cold.  The dark-skinned men knew about such fascinating pastime as fishing, not to mention ice fishing, by hearsay. But when they were offered to take part in the competition, they accepted the offer with great enthusiasm. The preparations for the competition were conducted with all due seriousness. The organizers checked thoroughly the thickness of the ice and provided each competitor with a warm coat. Before the start, the African fishermen dipped their fishing tackle in glasses of vodka according to the old tradition. In an hour the contestants managed to catch some dozens of small fish. The luckiest black fisherman caught a carp and got the first place in the competition. In spite of the poor catch, the contestants and their fans didn’t seem bored. Native fishermen were watching the competition with great curiosity. Someone made two snowmen and colored one of them in black as a sign of friendship between white and black fishermen.