N.Korean leader Kim Jong Il has hundreds of telephone numbers and emails memorized
North-Korean leader Kim Jong-Il trains his memory every morning to remember hundreds of phone numbers and e-mails of his subordinates. The proofs can be found on the official North Korean website Uriminzokkiri (“By the Korean Nation Itself”). Kim Jong-Il called all members of the personnel by their names at one of the meetings in June 2002, mentioning their phone numbers and local network e-mails. The leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea explained to amazed members of the meeting that he was training his memory every morning and was able to remember several hundreds of numbers and names.
“You need to make your brains work to improve your memory. I wake up early in the morning and start training my memory”, said Kim Jong-Il to his subordinates. Several years ago Kim Jong-Il visited the Patriotic Martyrs’ Cemetery in Pyongyang, the website reports. “Looking at the pictures on grave steles, he recalled biographies, merits and personality of every buried person as well as their hobbies and relatives”, the North-Korean website insists. There is another example: once Kim Jong-Il noticed that his subordinates jot down his words all the time. According to Uriminzokki, the leader of North Korea made a remark that the personnel “should be able to memorize even without making any notes”.